Portrait of a Goldsmith

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price₩234,000 KRW


The Goldsmith's Portrait, also known as Portrait of a Goldsmith, is a masterpiece by the Flemish artist Anthonis Mor Van Dashorst. This painting is a perfect example of the Nordic Renaissance art style, characterized by precision in the rendering of detail and attention to realism.

The composition of the painting is extremely interesting, as the goldsmith is in a slightly inclined position, giving it a dynamic and natural look. In addition, the figure is in an enclosed space, which gives it a feeling of intimacy and privacy.

The color of the paint is another highlight, as the artist uses a sober and dark color palette to create a serious and elegant environment. The contrast between the dark tones in the background and the light that illuminates the goldsmith's face creates a dramatic and realistic effect.

The story behind the painting is equally fascinating. It is believed that the portrait was commissioned by the goldsmith himself, who wanted to immortalize his image in a work of art. Anthonis Mor Van Dashorst, who was known for his ability to capture the essence of his subjects, managed to create a work that reflects the personality and character of the goldsmith.

Finally, there are some little-known aspects of this painting that are worth mentioning. For example, the goldsmith depicted in the painting is believed to have been a member of the Spanish royal family, giving it additional historical value. In addition, the painting has been the subject of numerous studies and analysis, which has allowed experts to better understand the artist's technique and style. In short, Portrait of a Goldsmith is a stunning work of art that combines technique, realism, and history to create a unique and fascinating piece.

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