Girl with a Pearl Earring

size(cm): 44x39 Original size
Sale price₩221,000 KRW


Girl with a Pearl Earring is an oil painting by the Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer, created around 1665. It depicts an imaginary young woman in an exotic dress and a very large pearl earring. The work is known for its use of color and light, as well as the enigmatic expression of the young woman depicted in the painting.

An interesting curiosity about this painting is that the pearl shown in the young woman's ear is not actually a pearl. Vermeer used a mixture of different materials to create the pearl's appearance, including silver, plaster, and varnish, resulting in a unique shimmering effect.

Furthermore, Girl with a Pearl Earring has been the subject of numerous technical analyzes and interpretations, leading some to speculate that the young woman represents one of Vermeer's models or even his daughter. Others have suggested that the painting may be an allegory about vanity, wealth, or sensuality.

Although Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Vermeer's most famous works, it is actually just one of 34 known paintings he produced during his lifetime. Vermeer was a fairly unknown artist in his day and only became famous at the end of the 19th century, when his work was rediscovered by art critics and collectors.

Interestingly, the painting was not known as Girl with a Pearl Earring until the late 19th century, when the French art critic Théophile Thoré-Bürger referred to it as such in an article. Before that, the work was known simply as "the girl with the turban" or "the girl with the bowed head".

Since then, Girl with a Pearl Earring has become one of the most iconic works of Dutch painting and has been the subject of numerous reproductions, imitations and parodies in popular culture. The work is considered one of the most important of the 17th century and is a treasure of Dutch Baroque art. The painting is currently in the Mauritshuis, an art museum in The Hague, the Netherlands, and is one of the museum's most popular works.

The Girl with the Pearl Earring is ranked no. 7 on the list of famous paintings

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