Altarpiece with The Passion of Christ: Road to Calvary

size(cm): 50x45
Sale price₩244,000 KRW


The Altarpiece with the Passion of Christ: Way to Calvary, painted by the Unknown German Master, is a work of art that captivates with its artistic style, composition and colouring. With an original size of 120 x 108 cm, this painting is a treasure of religious art from the 15th century.

The artistic style of this work is framed within the late Gothic, characterized by its attention to detail and its realistic representation of human figures. The German Unknown Master manages to capture in this painting a scene from the Passion of Christ, specifically the road to Calvary, with surprising mastery.

The painting's composition is remarkably balanced, with a careful arrangement of figures and elements on the canvas. At the center of the work is Jesus carrying the cross, surrounded by a crowd of people who accompany him on his way. On both sides, there are the Roman soldiers who guard Jesus, and at the top the sky and the divine presence are represented.

Color is another prominent aspect of this painting. The German Unknown Master uses a palette of vibrant and contrasting colors, which highlight the drama of the scene. The intense red of Jesus' tunic contrasts with the blue of the sky and the green of the surrounding vegetation, creating a striking visual effect.

The history of this painting is fascinating. Despite its unknown author, it is believed that it was created in Germany during the 15th century, a time of great artistic development in the country. For centuries, this work was part of an altarpiece in a church, intended to be contemplated by the faithful during their moments of prayer and reflection.

Despite the beauty and artistic quality of this painting, there are little-known aspects of it. For example, the name of the artist who created it is unknown, which adds an aura of mystery and fascination to the work. Furthermore, the painting has undergone damage and restoration over the years, making it a tangible testimony to art history.

The Altarpiece with the Passion of Christ: Way to Calvary is a jewel of German religious art. Its late Gothic style, balanced composition, use of color, and unknown history make it a painting of great interest and artistic value. Contemplating this work is delving into the Passion of Christ and the richness of medieval art.

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