Geraniums in a Copper Basin

size(cm): 40x30
Sale price₩183,000 KRW


The painting "Geraniums in a copper basin" by Pierre-Auguste Renoir is a masterpiece of French impressionism. This work was created in 1880 and is currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Renoir's artistic style is characterized by his impressionist technique, which focuses on capturing light and movement in nature. In this painting, Renoir uses loose, vibrant brushstrokes to create a sense of movement and life in the geraniums and copper basin.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as Renoir uses diagonal perspective to create depth and movement in the image. Geraniums are in the foreground, while the copper basin and background fade into the distance.

Color is another outstanding aspect of this work. Renoir uses a bright and vibrant color palette to create a sense of joy and vitality in the image. The red and pink tones of the geraniums contrast with the dark green of the leaves and the shiny copper of the basin.

The history of the painting is also very interesting. It is known that Renoir was a great lover of nature and that he enjoyed painting flowers and gardens. This painting was created at the time when Renoir was experimenting with the Impressionist technique and looking for new ways to capture light and movement in nature.

Lastly, there are some little-known aspects of this painting that are worth mentioning. For example, Renoir is said to have used a real copper basin to create this work, giving it a unique shine and texture. Furthermore, Renoir is known to have painted this work in the garden of his home in Montmartre, which gave it a feeling of authenticity and freshness.

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