The Adoration of Jesus

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€140,95 EUR


The painting "The Adoration of Jesus" by the artist Maestro Del Retablo De Trebon is a work of art that dazzles with its artistic style and composition. The piece, which measures 127 X 96.3 cm, is a portrait of the adoration of Jesus that represents the Magi and the shepherds kneeling before the baby Jesus.

The technique used by the artist is impressive, as it combines oil painting with the gilding technique to give the work a more majestic appearance. The color used is very striking, with golden and red tones that highlight the importance of the moment that is represented.

One of the most interesting aspects of the painting is its history. The work was created in the fifteenth century and is located in the church of Trebon, in the Czech Republic. It is believed that the painting was part of a larger altarpiece, which was dismantled in the 18th century.

In addition, there are certain details in the work that are little known, such as the presence of an angel at the top of the painting, holding a crown on the head of Jesus. This detail is very significant, as it shows the importance given to the baby Jesus at the time the work was created.

In summary, "The Adoration of Jesus" is an impressive work of art that combines the technique of oil painting with gilding to create a majestic piece. Its history and little-known details make the work even more interesting and valuable for art lovers.

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