The Artist's Family

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€148,95 EUR


The painting The Artist's Family by Hans the Younger Holbein is a masterpiece of the German Renaissance noted for its artistic style, composition and colouring. The painting shows the artist's family in an intimate and familiar scene, where you can appreciate the delicacy of the details and the artist's ability to capture the essence of each of the characters.

Holbein's artistic style is characterized by its realism and precision, which can be appreciated in the way in which he has captured each of the faces and clothing of the characters. In addition, the composition of the work is very interesting, since Holbein has managed to create a feeling of closeness and familiarity between the characters, despite the fact that they are separated by different lines of perspective.

The coloring of the painting is also very striking, since Holbein has used a palette of soft and warm colors that give the work a feeling of harmony and tranquility. In addition, the artist has used the chiaroscuro technique to give depth and volume to the characters, making them appear to be coming out of the painting.

The history of the painting is also interesting, as it is believed to have been created in 1528, when Holbein was in England working for the court of Henry VIII. The work was commissioned by the king himself, who was impressed by the artist's ability to capture the essence of the family.

Finally, one of the least known aspects of this work is that Holbein included in it a series of symbols and details that have a hidden meaning. For example, the rose that the artist's wife wears on her dress symbolizes purity and innocence, while the small dog that appears in the scene represents fidelity and loyalty.

In short, Hans the Younger Holbein's The Artist's Family is a German Renaissance masterpiece noted for its artistic style, composition, coloring, and occult symbolism. A work that never ceases to amaze those who admire it and that continues to be one of the artist's most outstanding.

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