sunny chamber

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€158,95 EUR


The painting Sunny Chamber by Danish artist Vilhelm Hammershøi is a masterpiece that represents the artist's ability to create a calm and serene atmosphere in his work. The painting, which measures 50 x 40 cm, was created in 1900 and is in the collection of the Aarhus Art Museum in Denmark.

Hammershøi's artistic style is known for his use of color and light to create a sense of tranquility and serenity in his works. In Sunny Chamber, the artist uses a soft, muted color palette, with shades of grey, white and beige predominant. The natural light that enters through the windows of the room gently filters through the curtains, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

The composition of the paint is simple but effective. Hammershøi uses straight lines and angles to create a sense of order and balance in the room. The white wall and light wooden floor provide a neutral background for the furniture and objects in the room. The wooden chair and the small corner desk add a touch of elegance and simplicity to the room.

The history of the painting is unknown, but it is believed to have been created at the artist's home in Strandgade, Copenhagen. The Hammershøi house was known for its minimalist style and simple decoration, which is reflected in the Sunny Chamber painting.

One of the lesser known aspects of the painting is the presence of a small mirror on the wall. The mirror reflects the natural light that enters through the window, creating an effect of depth and adding a touch of mystery to the room.

In short, Vilhelm Hammershøi's painting Sunny Chamber is a masterpiece of Danish art that represents the artist's ability to create a calm and serene atmosphere in his work. The artistic style, composition, color and history of the painting are all interesting aspects that make this work a unique and valuable piece of Danish art.

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