Saint Francis and Brother Rufus

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price€131,95 EUR


The painting St Francis and Brother Rufus by El Greco is a masterpiece depicting the story of Saint Francis of Assisi and his relationship with his friend and companion, Brother Rufus. The work is an exceptional example of the late Renaissance artistic style, with a masterful use of color and composition.

The painting features Saint Francis of Assisi in the center, with Brother Rufus at his side. Both characters are realistically depicted, with fine and accurate detail in their clothing and facial features. El Greco uses a palette of intense and vibrant colors to create an atmosphere of spirituality and mysticism.

One of the most interesting aspects of painting is the composition. El Greco uses a technique known as "contrapposto", in which the characters are placed in an asymmetrical position to create an effect of dynamism and movement. Furthermore, the artist uses the technique of perspective to create a sense of depth and space in the painting.

The story behind the painting is equally fascinating. The work is believed to have been commissioned by an anonymous client for the Church of San Francisco in Toledo, Spain. The painting was completed in 1595 and has been the subject of numerous studies and analyzes ever since.

Despite its fame and recognition as one of El Greco's most important works, there are little-known aspects of the painting. For example, it has been suggested that Brother Rufus might have been an imaginary character created by the artist to symbolize Saint Francis' relationship with God.

In short, El Greco's painting St Francis and Brother Rufus is a masterpiece that combines exceptional artistic style, dynamic composition, and a fascinating story. It is a work that continues to captivate lovers of art and history to this day.

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