Saint Bartholomew and Saint Sebastian

size(cm): 65x30
Sale price€165,95 EUR


The painting St Bartholomew and St Sebastian by artist Sebastiano Del Piombo is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece noted for its technique and composition. The work measures 293 x 137 cm and was painted in oil on canvas.

Del Piombo's artistic style is characterized by his use of light and shadow to create an effect of depth and realism. In this work, one can appreciate the artist's ability to create a dramatic atmosphere through lighting and the position of the characters.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as it shows two saints, Saint Bartholomew and Saint Sebastian, in a scene that seems to be taking place in an open space. The characters are represented in life size and are in a position that creates a sense of movement and tension in the work.

Color also plays an important role in this painting, as Del Piombo used a dark, earthy color palette to create a somber and dramatic atmosphere. The details in the clothing and accessories of the characters are represented with great precision and realism.

The history of the painting is fascinating, as it is known that it was commissioned by Pope Clement VII to decorate the Colonna family chapel in the church of San Silvestro al Quirinale in Rome. The work was completed in 1526 and has been considered one of Del Piombo's best works.

A little known aspect of this painting is that Del Piombo used an oil painting technique that involved the application of several layers of paint and slow drying to achieve an effect of depth and lightness in the work.

In summary, the painting St Bartholomew and St Sebastian is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance that stands out for its technique, composition, color and drama. The history of the work and the technique used by Del Piombo make this painting a unique and fascinating piece of Renaissance art.

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