Samuel Anoints David

size(cm): 45x65
Sale price€192,95 EUR


The painting Samuel Anoints David by Francisco Antolínez is a work of art that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This masterpiece is a perfect example of the Baroque style, characterized by its drama, emotional intensity and richness in detail.

The composition of the painting is impressive. The central figure of David is in the center of the scene, surrounded by a group of characters who look at him in amazement and admiration. The figure of Samuel, who is anointing David with oil, is on the left side of the painting, while the rest of the characters are on the right side.

The use of color in this painting is spectacular. Dark, rich tones, such as red and brown, are used to create a sense of depth and drama in the work. The contrast between the shadows and the lights is impressive and adds an extra dimension to the painting.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Samuel Anoints David represents the moment when the prophet Samuel anoints David as king of Israel. This biblical story has been depicted in art for centuries, but Antolínez's version is particularly memorable for its baroque style and rich detail.

Although many know this painting for its beauty and religious significance, few know that Antolínez was one of the most important artists of his time. Furthermore, very little is known about his personal life and artistic career, which makes the work even more mysterious and fascinating.

In conclusion, Samuel Anoints David is an impressive work of art that demonstrates the talent and skill of the artist Francisco Antolínez. The composition, the use of color and the story behind the painting are aspects that make this work truly unique and memorable.

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