Saint Wolfgang Altarpiece: Christ and the Adulteress

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€139,95 EUR


The painting St Wolfgang Altarpiece: Christ and the Adulteress by artist Michael Pacher is a masterpiece of the German late Renaissance. With an original size of 173 x 140.5 cm, this painting is one of the most impressive pieces in the collection of the National Museum of Art in Bucharest.

Michael Pacher's artistic style is known for his ability to blend Gothic and Renaissance elements, and this work is no exception. The composition is impressive, with the central figure of Christ surrounded by the characters from the Biblical story of the adulterous woman. The details of the painting are extremely realistic, from the wrinkles in the clothes to the facial expressions of the characters.

Color is another prominent aspect of the work. The dark, rich tones of the characters' clothing contrast against the gold background, creating a sense of depth and texture. The light radiating from Christ adds a dramatic touch to the composition and emphasizes the importance of the moment in history.

The story behind the painting is fascinating. It was commissioned by the Church of St. Wolfgang in Austria in the 15th century, and is believed to have been completed in 1481. The painting was originally part of a larger altarpiece, but was separated and sold to the National Museum of Art in Bucharest in 1919. .

There are some little-known aspects of painting that are also interesting. For example, some art historians have noted that the figure of the adulterous woman appears to be a representation of the artist's wife, adding a personal touch to the work. Additionally, the painting has been the subject of controversy due to its depiction of the adulterous woman as a naked and vulnerable figure, which some critics have regarded as a form of misogyny.

Overall, Michael Pacher's painting St Wolfgang Altarpiece: Christ and the Adulteress is an impressive piece of work that combines technical skill with a fascinating story and important themes. It is a gem of the German late Renaissance and a work that continues to captivate viewers today.

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