Portrait of Sir Nicholas Carew

size(cm): 50x55
Sale price€182,95 EUR


The painting "Portrait of Sir Nicholas Carew" by Hans the Younger Holbein is a masterpiece of the English Renaissance noted for its refined artistic style and graceful composition. The portrait shows the English knight Nicholas Carew with a serious and distant expression, dressed in golden armor and a dark red velvet cloak.

Holbein's technique is impeccable, with painstaking details in the armor and cape, and special attention to Carew's hands and face. The artist uses a sober color palette, with golden and brown tones that create an austere and solemn atmosphere.

The story behind the painting is fascinating: Nicholas Carew was an English nobleman who fought at the Battle of Flodden in 1513, and later became an important courtier to Henry VIII. However, in 1539, he was accused of treason and executed in the Tower of London. The painting was commissioned by Carew's family as a posthumous tribute.

There are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more interesting. For example, Holbein is believed to have used a mirror to create a mirror image of Carew's face, allowing him to capture expression and detail more accurately. Additionally, some scholars have suggested that Carew's figure is slightly shifted to the left in the painting, creating a sense of tension and imbalance that reflects the political instability of the time.

In short, "Portrait of Sir Nicholas Carew" is a stunning work of art that combines technical skill with an intriguing story and subtle details that make it all the more fascinating. It is a jewel of the English Renaissance that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

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