Portrait of Elias Van Cuelen

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€157,95 EUR


The Portrait of Elias van Cuelen is a masterpiece by Dutch artist Dirck Dircksz Santvoort, dating from the 17th century. Originally sized at 119 x 89 cm, the painting is an impressive portrait of Elias van Cuelen, a wealthy merchant from Amsterdam.

Santvoort's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture the essence of his models with great precision and detail. In the Portrait of Elias van Cuelen, the artist uses a smooth and precise brushwork technique to create a realistic image of the merchant's face. The composition of the painting is simple but effective, with the subject seated in a chair with her arms folded across her chest.

The color of the paint is another interesting aspect to highlight. Santvoort uses a palette of warm, earthy tones to create a welcoming and calm atmosphere. Reddish and brown tones predominate in the clothing and background of the painting, while the model's face is illuminated with a soft diffused light.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Elias van Cuelen commissioned this work from Santvoort to commemorate his success as a merchant in the prosperous city of Amsterdam. The painting was a symbol of his wealth and social status at the time.

Also, there is a little-known aspect of this painting that deserves to be mentioned. At the bottom left of the painting, Santvoort included a small inscription reading "Dirck Dircksz Santvoort fecit 1634". This inscription indicates that the painting was created by Santvoort himself in 1634.

In short, the Portrait of Elias van Cuelen is a stunning work of art that combines technical skill, effective composition, captivating color, and an interesting story. It is an exceptional display of 17th century artistic talent and a testament to the success and wealth of the Dutch merchants of the time.

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