The Massacre of the Innocents

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price€182,95 EUR


The Massacre of the Innocents, painted by the artist Tintoretto, is a masterpiece noted for its unique artistic style, dramatic composition, and masterful use of color. With an original size of 422 x 546 cm, this painting is a striking representation of the Biblical story of the same name.

Tintoretto's artistic style is characterized by his innovative approach and his ability to capture movement and emotion in his works. In The Massacre of the Innocents, this is evident in the way he portrays the violence and chaos of the scene. The twisted bodies and horrified expressions of the mothers and children convey a sense of despair and tragedy.

The composition of the painting is impressive. Tintoretto uses a diagonal perspective to create a sense of depth and dynamism. The characters are grouped in the center of the painting, creating a powerful focal point. The scene takes place in a dark and claustrophobic space, with figures that intertwine and overlap, increasing the feeling of confusion and chaos.

Color plays a crucial role in The Massacre of the Innocents. Tintoretto uses a dark, somber color palette, with shades of brown, gray, and black predominant. These tones contribute to the somber and tragic atmosphere of the painting, contrasting with flashes of color in details such as the women's dresses or children's faces.

The story of the painting is based on the Biblical tale of the same name, which recounts the murder of innocent children ordered by King Herod in an attempt to kill Jesus. Tintoretto chooses to depict this tragic event with shocking intensity and violence, reflecting his personal vision and critique of cruelty and oppression.

There are little-known aspects of The Massacre of the Innocents. For example, Tintoretto is believed to have painted this work in response to the Saint Bartholomew's Night massacre in France in 1572, an event in which thousands of Protestants were killed. This painting can be interpreted as a critique of religious violence and a call for compassion and justice.

In conclusion, Tintoretto's The Massacre of the Innocents is a fascinating work of art that stands out for its innovative artistic style, its dramatic composition, its masterful use of color and its powerful message. Through this painting, Tintoretto manages to convey the tragedy and violence of the biblical story, while at the same time criticizing cruelty and oppression in society.

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