Virgin and Child

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€139,95 EUR


The painting "Madonna and Child" by artist Francesco Solimena is a masterpiece that captures beauty and devotion through its artistic style, composition, color, and rich history. With an original size of 101 x 77 cm, this work stands out for its representation of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus in a heavenly setting.

Solimena's artistic style is characterized by its baroque approach, which is reflected in the exuberance of detail and the dramatic lighting that highlights the main figures. The painting shows the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus in her arms, while both look down tenderly. The serene expression on the faces of the mother and son conveys a sense of peace and devotion.

The composition of the work is remarkable for its balance and symmetry. The figure of Mary is in the center of the canvas, surrounded by a halo of light that emphasizes her divinity. The Child Jesus, with his penetrating gaze and small outstretched hands, appears to be blessing the viewer. Behind them, a heavenly landscape with angels floating in the clouds can be seen, adding a touch of mysticism to the scene.

The use of color in "Madonna and Child" is another highlight of the work. Solimena uses a soft and warm palette, dominated by gold and pink tones, which bring a feeling of warmth and serenity to the painting. The vibrant colors in the vestments of Mary and Jesus contrast with the heavenly background, creating a visually striking effect.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It was created by Solimena in the 18th century, a period in which religious devotion was a recurring theme in art. The work was commissioned by a religious congregation or a private patron, with the purpose of being placed on an altar or chapel. The painting represents a moment of deep connection between the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus, transmitting a message of love and divine protection.

Despite its recognition and beauty, "Madonna and Child" is not as well known as other masterpieces of Italian painting. However, its artistic quality and its ability to evoke emotions and feelings make this work a hidden gem that deserves to be appreciated and studied in detail.

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