Jacob's Dream

size(cm): 60x90
Sale price€266,95 EUR


The painting "Jacob's Dream" by Salvator Rosa is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art that has captivated viewers for centuries. This work of art is a dramatic representation of Jacob's Biblical dream, in which a ladder connecting earth to heaven appears to him.

Salvator Rosa's artistic style is characterized by his ability to create dramatic and emotional scenes. In "Jacob's Dream", Rosa uses a technique of light and shadow to create a dramatic effect in the composition. The figure of Jacob is in the center of the painting, illuminated by a heavenly light that contrasts with the darkness of the night.

Color also plays an important role in this artwork. The dark and earthy tones of the painting create a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere, while the golden and heavenly tones of the staircase and angels add a touch of divinity to the composition.

The history of the painting is equally fascinating. Salvator Rosa painted "Jacob's Dream" in the 17th century, during a period of great political and religious turmoil in Italy. The artwork was commissioned by Cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte, who was a patron of the arts and an important religious leader at the time.

In addition to its aesthetic beauty, "Jacob's Dream" also has little-known aspects that make it even more interesting. For example, the ladder in the painting is a reference to Jacob's ladder in the Bible, which symbolizes the connection between earth and heaven. It is also believed that the figure of Jacob in the painting is a representation of Salvator Rosa himself, who identified with the biblical character.

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