Dedham Vale with River Stour in Flood

size(cm): 45x80
Sale price€217,95 EUR


The painting Dedham Vale with the River Stour in Flood by artist John Constable is a masterpiece of 19th-century British art. This work is a perfect example of Constable's artistic style, characterized by his ability to capture the beauty of nature and English rural life.

The composition of the painting is impressive. Constable uses a vanishing point perspective to create a sense of depth and space in the image. The River Stour, which flows in the center of the painting, is the main element of the composition and stretches towards the horizon, creating a feeling of spaciousness and freedom.

Color is another prominent aspect of the work. Constable uses a palette of green, blue and brown tones to represent nature and rural landscapes. The colors are vibrant and realistic, making the painting very attractive to look at.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Constable painted Dedham Vale with the River Stour in Flood in 1814, and it was one of the first paintings he made after his return to England from a long journey to Italy. The painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1815 and received favorable reviews.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Constable made several preliminary sketches before creating the final work. These sketches show how Constable experimented with different compositions and colors before settling on the final version of the painting.

In short, Dedham Vale with the River Stour in Flood is a stunning work of art showcasing John Constable's ability to capture the beauty of nature and rural landscapes. The composition, color and history of the painting are all interesting aspects that make this work one of the most outstanding works of 19th century British art.

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