A Beggar with a Piece of Pie

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€147,95 EUR


The painting A Beggar Boy with a Piece of Pie by the artist Maestro De Los Jeans Azules is a work that attracts attention for its realistic and detailed artistic style. The composition of the work is impressive, as the artist has managed to capture the essence of the main character of the work - a beggar boy with a piece of cake in his hand.

The color used in the painting is sober and melancholic, reflecting the difficult situation in which the character finds himself. The artist has used brown and gray tones to represent the environment the boy is in, giving him a sad and desolate look.

The history of the painting is interesting, since it is believed that it was created in the 19th century and that it represents the plight of beggar children at that time. The work is a testimony of the poverty and misery that existed at that time, and is a reminder of the importance of empathy and solidarity with those most in need.

One of the little known aspects of the painting is that the artist used a very particular painting technique to create the work. It is known that the Master of Blue Jeans was a very talented and experienced artist, and that he used highly advanced painting techniques to create his works.

In short, A Beggar Boy with a Piece of Pie is an impressive work of art that reflects the reality of poverty and misery in the 19th century. The work stands out for its realistic and detailed artistic style, its impressive composition and its sober and melancholic color. It is a work that deserves to be admired and valued for its historical and artistic importance.

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