Vision After the Sermon (Jacobo Wrestling with El Ángel)

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price28.400 ISK


The painting "Vision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel)" by Paul Gauguin is a masterpiece depicting the biblical wrestling between Jacob and the angel. It is one of the artist's most famous works and is known for its unique artistic style, composition, and use of color.

Gauguin's artistic style is known for his use of simple shapes and bright colors. In this work, the figures are represented in a simplified way and the shapes are flat and geometric. The use of color is also impressive, with vibrant shades of red, green and yellow creating a dramatic contrast effect.

The composition of the painting is interesting because the figures are arranged in a two-dimensional plane, as if they were on a stage. The main figure of Jacob is in the foreground, while the angel is in the background. The figure of the woman in the background is the congregation that has been listening to the preaching of the sermon.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Gauguin created this work after spending time in Brittany, France, where he became interested in local culture and traditions. The painting was inspired by a religious experience he had after attending a sermon at a local church.

In addition, there are little-known aspects of painting that are also interesting. For example, the angel figure is actually a representation of a local man that Gauguin had met in Brittany. The figure of the woman in the background is also believed to have been inspired by Gauguin's wife, who was also present in the church that day.

In short, "Vision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel)" is a masterpiece that combines a unique art style, interesting composition, and impressive use of color. The story behind the painting is also fascinating, and there are little-known aspects that make it even more interesting.

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