Venus and Adonis

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price34.400 ISK


The painting Venus and Adonis, by Dutch artist Hendrick Goltzius, is a 17th-century masterpiece noted for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 141 x 191 cm, this work represents one of the most dramatic scenes in classical mythology.

Goltzius used a highly detailed and realistic oil painting technique, which is reflected in the texture of the characters' skin and hair. The composition of the work is very dynamic, with Venus and Adonis at the center of the scene, surrounded by exuberant nature and a series of animals that symbolize the imminent death of Adonis.

The coloring of the work is another of its most outstanding aspects, with warm and bright tones that contrast with the dark and gloomy background. The color palette used by Goltzius is very rich and intense, which accentuates the sensuality and drama of the scene.

The story behind the painting is also very interesting. Venus and Adonis is a classic legend that tells the story of the goddess of love, Venus, and her beloved Adonis. In the play, Venus tries to persuade Adonis not to go hunting, but he ignores her and is mortally wounded by a wild boar. The painting depicts the moment Venus tries to stop Adonis as he walks away from her.

One of the lesser known aspects of the work is that it was painted by Goltzius in the final period of his career, when he had already reached artistic maturity. Venus and Adonis is one of his last works and is considered one of the most important of his career.

All in all, Hendrick Goltzius's Venus and Adonis is a stunning work of art that combines technique, composition, and color to create a dramatic and sensual scene. Its history and its artistic value make it one of the most outstanding paintings of the 17th century.

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