The Nativity Between the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel

size(cm): 50x90
Sale price40.700 ISK


The painting "The Nativity between Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel" by Duccio Di Buoninsegna is a masterpiece of Italian Gothic art of the 14th century. This oil painting on panel is in the National Gallery in London and measures 48 x 87 cm.

The painting's composition is impressive, with a central Nativity scene surrounded by two prophets, Isaiah and Ezekiel, announcing the birth of Christ. The figure of the Virgin Mary is the focal point of the painting, with her delicate figure and serene expression. The newborn Jesus figure is represented with great detail and realism, with soft lighting that highlights his purity and divinity.

Duccio's artistic style is characterized by his ability to create a sense of depth and volume in his figures. The oil painting technique allowed him to achieve greater precision in detail and create a variety of textures and light effects. The richness of colors used in the painting is impressive, with rich, warm tones creating a feeling of warmth and serenity.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been created as part of an altarpiece for the Siena Cathedral in Italy. The work was commissioned by the city's money-changers' guild and was completed in 1308. For centuries, the painting was venerated in the cathedral before being transferred to the National Gallery in London in the 19th century.

There are some little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more fascinating. For example, it is believed that Duccio used his own image to represent one of the shepherds in the Nativity scene. In addition, the painting has been the subject of numerous analyzes and restorations over the years, which has allowed hidden details to be discovered and revealed the true beauty of the work.

In short, Duccio Di Buoninsegna's "The Nativity between Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel" is a masterpiece of Italian Gothic art that combines impressive composition, innovative art style and rich color palette. The history and hidden details of the painting make it even more fascinating and make it one of the most important works in the history of art.

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