Self Portrait

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price23.500 ISK


Peter Paul Rubens's Self-Portrait is a masterpiece of Flemish Baroque art that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This painting, dating from 1623, is one of the artist's most famous works and is currently in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC

Rubens' artistic style is characterized by his use of light and shadow to create a sense of depth and movement in his works. In the Self-Portrait, Rubens uses this technique to bring his own image to life, creating a three-dimensional figure that seems to be about to step out of the painting.

The composition of the work is equally impressive. Rubens portrays himself standing with one hand resting on a table and the other holding a brush and a paint palette. Behind him, a red curtain can be seen framing the scene and creating a theatrical effect.

Color is another prominent aspect of this painting. Rubens uses a rich and vibrant palette of reds, golds and browns to create a sense of warmth and vitality in the work. The light that illuminates her face and her white clothing contrasts with the dark background, creating a striking and dramatic effect.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Rubens painted himself at a time in his career when he was at the height of his fame and fortune. The work was created as a gift to his friend and patron, Cardinal Federico Borromeo, and became a symbol of Rubens's privileged position in the society of the time.

In addition to these well-known aspects, there are other lesser-known details that make this work even more interesting. For example, Rubens is believed to have used a mirror to paint his own face, allowing him to capture his expression and gesture with great precision.

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