Portrait of Elizabeth of France

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price25.300 ISK


The painting Portrait of Elisabeth of France, by the Flemish artist Frans El Vertido Más Joven, is a work that stands out for its elegance and delicacy. This piece is a portrait of Princess Elisabeth of France, who was the eldest daughter of King Henry IV of France and his second wife, Queen Marie de' Medici.

The artistic style used in this work is Baroque, characterized by the complexity and exuberance of forms, as well as the use of light and color to create dramatic effects. In this case, you can see how the artist has used light to highlight the face and hands of the princess, creating an effect of softness and delicacy.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since the princess is represented frontally, with a serene gaze and a calm expression on her face. In addition, the artist has used a palette of soft and delicate colors, such as pink, blue and white, to create an atmosphere of tranquility and elegance.

The history of this painting is also very interesting, as Princess Elisabeth of France was a very important figure at the French court in the 17th century. She was known for her beauty and intelligence, and she married King Philip IV of Spain in 1615, becoming Spain's queen consort.

One of the lesser known aspects of this work is that it is actually a copy of an original portrait by the artist Peter Paul Rubens. However, Frans El Vertido Más Joven managed to imprint his own style and personality on the work, creating a unique and very interesting piece.

In summary, the painting Portrait of Elisabeth of France is a work that stands out for its elegance, its delicacy and its beauty. The artistic style, composition, color and history of the work make it a very interesting and valuable piece for lovers of art and history.

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