Portrait of Natalia Alexandrovna Repnina

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price23.100 ISK


The painting Portrait of Natalia Alexandrovna Repnina by artist By The Elder Krafft is a masterpiece that has captivated art lovers since its creation in the 18th century. The artistic style used in this work is Rococo, characterized by its elegance, sophistication and delicacy.

The composition of the painting is impressive, since the figure of Natalia Alexandrovna Repnina is located in the center of the work. The young Russian aristocrat is dressed in an exquisite white gown, embellished with gold details and an abundance of lace. Her hair is pulled up in an elaborate updo and her face is adorned with soft, natural makeup.

The color used in the work is vibrant and full of life, reflecting the cheerful and lively personality of Natalia Alexandrovna Repnina. Pink and gold tones blend perfectly to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

The history of the painting is fascinating, as it was created by the artist By Elder Krafft in 1782 as a commission from the Repnina family. The work was exhibited at the Exhibition of the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg and received critical and public acclaim.

Additionally, there are little-known aspects of this artwork, such as the fact that the artist used an oil-on-canvas painting technique to create the work. It is also known that the model, Natalia Alexandrovna Repnina, was a woman of great beauty and elegance, and that her portrait became one of the most famous of her time.

In summary, the painting Portrait of Natalia Alexandrovna Repnina by the artist By The Elder Krafft is an impressive work of art that combines the Rococo style, impressive composition, vibrant colors and a fascinating history. This masterpiece remains one of the most admired and valued in the history of art.

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