Portrait of Anne Brueghel and her Son, David

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price33.000 ISK


The portrait "Portrait of Anna Brueghel and her Son, David" by the artist David The Younger Tenier is a work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color and its fascinating history. Originally 32 x 42 cm in size, this painting captures the essence of everyday life in the 17th century.

David The Younger Tenier's artistic style is characterized by his ability to create minute, realistic details. In this portrait, we can appreciate the precision with which he paints the faces of Anna Brueghel and her son David. Each facial feature is carefully rendered, demonstrating the artist's skill in capturing the physical appearance of his subjects.

The composition of the painting is remarkably balanced. Anna Brueghel and her son are located in the center of the canvas, which gives them a prominent role. However, the background and surrounding elements are not neglected. The Tenier uses a soft color palette and earthy tones to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The details in the clothing of the characters and the objects that surround them, such as the open book and the bouquet of flowers, add a touch of elegance and refinement to the scene.

The story behind this painting is also intriguing. Anna Brueghel was the daughter of the famous Flemish painter Jan Brueghel the Elder and the granddaughter of Pieter Bruegel the Elder. His son, David, also became a talented painter. This portrait shows Anna Brueghel in middle age with her son, giving us a glimpse of the relationship between mother and son and the influence of her artistic legacy on the next generation.

In addition to its artistic style and history, there are lesser-known aspects of this painting that make it even more interesting. Although David The Younger Tenier is best known for his genre scenes and landscapes, this portrait shows his versatility as an artist. The delicacy with which she paints the details of clothing and accessories reveals her ability to capture the texture and shine of different materials.

In summary, the portrait "Portrait of Anna Brueghel and her Son, David" by David The Younger Tenier is a fascinating work of art in many ways. Its detailed artistic style, balanced composition, use of color, and family history make this painting a unique gem in the history of art.

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