Christ at the Crossing Between Mary and Saint John

size(cm): 45x50
Sale price27.000 ISK


The painting Christ on the Cross between Mary and St John by the artist Albrecht Altdorfer is a work of great importance in the history of art. With an original size of 102 x 116 cm, this work represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, surrounded by the Virgin Mary and Saint John.

One of the most interesting aspects of this work is its artistic style. Altdorfer is known for his Renaissance style, which is characterized by precision and detail in the representation of objects and figures. In this particular work, the artist employs a soft and delicate brushwork technique, which gives the painting an air of mysticism and spirituality.

The composition of the work is also remarkable. The figure of Christ on the cross is in the center of the painting, surrounded by the Virgin Mary on the left and Saint John on the right. At the bottom of the painting, there are two angels holding a cloth, which symbolizes the purity and innocence of Christ.

Color also plays an important role in this work. Altdorfer uses a palette of soft and delicate colors, which reflect the sadness and solemnity of the moment represented. The shades of blue and pink found in the clothing of the Virgin and Saint John contrast with the dark red of Christ's cloak, creating a sense of balance and harmony in the work.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed that it was painted in the 16th century, during the time when Altdorfer worked in the city of Regensburg, in Germany. The work was acquired by the Museo del Prado in Madrid in the 19th century, and since then it has been one of the most important works in the collection.

Finally, there are little-known aspects of this work that make it even more interesting. It is believed that Altdorfer may have been inspired by an earlier work by the German artist Hans Baldung Grien, which also depicted the crucifixion of Christ surrounded by the Virgin and Saint John. Furthermore, some experts believe that the painting may have been commissioned by a religious order of the time, giving it even greater historical and religious value.

In summary, the painting Christ on the Cross between Mary and St John by Albrecht Altdorfer is a work of great importance in the history of art. Its artistic style, composition, color and the story behind it make it a fascinating and unique work.

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