waterfall in norway

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price23.900 ISK


The painting "Waterfall in Norway" by the Dutch artist Allaert Van Everdingen is an impressive work that captures the majesty of nature. The painting shows a waterfall in Norway, surrounded by trees and rocks. The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the artist uses the technique of atmospheric perspective to create a sense of depth and distance. Trees and rocks in the foreground are detailed and sharp, while elements in the background become more blurry and diffuse, creating the illusion of distance.

Van Everdingen's artistic style is very distinctive, as he was inspired by 17th-century Dutch landscaping, but also incorporated elements of Romanticism. The painting "Waterfall in Norway" is a perfect example of this style, as it combines the precision and realism of Dutch landscape painting with the emotion and beauty of Romanticism.

The use of color in the painting is very interesting, as Van Everdingen uses a cool and soft color palette to capture the calm and serene atmosphere of the landscape. Shades of blue and green dominate the painting, creating a feeling of freshness and calm. There are also hints of yellow and orange in the sky, suggesting that the painting was created in the twilight hours.

The history of the painting is little known, but it is believed to have been created in the 1650s, during the period when Van Everdingen lived in Norway. The painting may have been commissioned by a wealthy Dutch merchant who was interested in panoramic views of Norway.

In short, the painting "Waterfall in Norway" is an impressive work that combines the precision of Dutch landscaping with the emotion of romanticism. The composition, color and artistic style are very interesting and make the painting a unique and beautiful piece.

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