Still Life with Peaches

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price24.400 ISK


The painting "Still-Life with Peaches" by Adriaen Coorte is a masterpiece of Dutch Baroque art. The piece, with an original size of 31 x 23 cm, presents a simple but elegant composition, with three peaches arranged on a porcelain plate on a dark wooden table.

Coorte's artistic style is characterized by precision and attention to detail. In this work, each peach is represented with a different texture and color, creating a sense of realism and depth in the image. The attention to detail even extends to the green leaves surrounding the peaches, which are rendered with surprising thoroughness.

Color is another prominent aspect of this painting. The warm tones of the peaches contrast against the dark background and create a feeling of warmth and comfort. In addition, the white porcelain of the plate provides a subtle but effective contrast to the earthy tones of the wood on the table.

The history of the painting is interesting in itself. Coorte was a relatively unknown artist during his lifetime and only a few dozen of his works are known. However, his unique style and ability to capture the beauty of everyday objects have made him a highly valued artist today.

In conclusion, "Still-Life with Peaches" is an exceptional work of art that stands out for its artistic style, its composition, its color and its history. It is a display of Adriaen Coorte's talent and a true jewel of Dutch Baroque art.

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