Altarpiece with The Passion of Christ: Burial

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price25.800 ISK


The Altarpiece with the Passion of Christ: Entombment by the German Master Artist Unknown is a fascinating work of art noted for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 130 x 120 cm, this painting is a jewel of religious art from the medieval period.

The artistic style of this work is typical of Gothic art, with its meticulous attention to detail and its focus on the realistic representation of figures and objects. The unknown German master demonstrates his technical skill through the precision and delicacy of the strokes, especially on the faces and hands of the figures represented.

The composition of the painting is remarkably balanced and symmetrical. The unknown German master uses a triangular arrangement to arrange the figures, with the central figure of Christ in the center and the secondary figures on either side. This arrangement creates a sense of harmony and order, and emphasizes the importance of Christ in the scene.

The use of color in this painting is also very prominent. The unknown German master uses vibrant, contrasting colors to highlight different elements of the scene. Intense golden and red tones are used to represent Christ's divinity and passion, while darker, cooler tones are used to represent the sadness and mourning of the secondary characters.

The history of this painting is also intriguing. Although the identity of the artist is unknown, it is believed that this work was part of an altarpiece or altarpiece in a German church in the 15th century. The main theme of the painting is the Passion of Christ, specifically the scene of the deposition of his body in the tomb. This representation of the death and resurrection of Christ was of great importance in the religious art of the time, as it reminded the faithful of Christ's sacrifice and redemption.

Despite the lack of information about the unknown German master and the specific history of this painting, its beauty and artistic quality are undeniable. This work is a treasure of medieval art, and its original size of 130 x 120 cm allows you to appreciate in detail the mastery and talent of the unknown artist. Through its artistic style, composition, use of color, and religious theme, Altarpiece with the Passion of Christ: Entombment is a painting that deserves to be admired and studied.

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