Sale priceFrom 23.900 ISK
Triptych with The Crucifixion and The DonorsMaestro Desconocido De Los Holandés

Sale priceFrom 32.300 ISK
Paradise with The Creation of Adam and The Fall of ManMaestro Desconocido De Los Holandés

Sale priceFrom 22.500 ISK
The Martyrdom of Saint John the EvangelistMaestro Desconocido De Los Holandés

Sale priceFrom 28.100 ISK
Four Canons with Saint Augustine and Jerome, with the VisitationMaestro Desconocido De Los Holandés

Sale priceFrom 32.300 ISK
Eighteen Scenes from the Life of ChristMaestro Desconocido De Los Holandés

Sale priceFrom 28.100 ISK
The Virgin with the Christ Child and the Baby Saint JohnMaestro Desconocido Italiano