Woman with a Dove

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€162,95 EUR


The painting "Woman with a Dove" by Cecco Del Caravaggio is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art that has captivated viewers for centuries. The work, which measures 66 x 47 cm, represents a beautiful young woman holding a white dove in her hands.

Del Caravaggio's artistic style is evident in this painting, with his use of light and shadow to create a realistic, three-dimensional feel. The woman's figure stands out against a dark background, giving her a sense of depth and dimension.

The composition of the painting is also remarkable, with the figure of the woman placed in the center of the work and surrounded by a negative space that gives it even more strength and presence. The woman's posture is graceful and refined, with her body leaning slightly forward and her head turned slightly to the side.

Color is another interesting aspect of painting. The woman is dressed in a white tunic that contrasts with her brown skin, giving her an exotic and mysterious appearance. The white dove that she holds in her hands is also an interesting contrast, as its white plumage stands out against the dark background.

The story behind the painting is little known, but it is believed to have been created in the 17th century and to represent a woman from Italian high society. However, the exact meaning of the dove in the work remains a mystery.

In short, "Woman with a Dove" is a stunning work of art that combines art style, composition, color, and history in a fascinating way. It is a painting that continues to captivate viewers today and is a perfect example of the talent and mastery of Italian Baroque art.

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