Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€151,95 EUR


The painting "Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family" by the artist Hans the Younger Holbein is a masterpiece of the German Renaissance. The portrait shows a member of the Wedigh family, dressed in luxurious clothing and holding a book in his left hand. The subject appears to be in the middle of a reading, with a calm and collected expression on his face.

Holbein's artistic style is evident in this work, with his ability to capture reality and precision in detail. The figure of the subject is portrayed with great realism, from the wrinkles in his clothing to the details in his hair and beard. The composition is simple but effective, focusing attention on the subject and his book.

Color is another interesting aspect of this painting. The color palette is soft and subtle, with warm and cool tones complementing each other. The subject is dressed in dark shades, which contrast with his fair skin and the light background behind him.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Little is known about the identity of the subject, but it is believed that he belonged to a wealthy and prominent family in the city of Basel, Switzerland. The painting was acquired by the Basel Art Museum in 1899, and has been one of the highlights of its collection ever since.

A little-known aspect of this painting is that Holbein painted it in England, where he had moved to work as a court painter to Henry VIII. He may have used a member of the German community in London as the model for the subject of the portrait.

In summary, "Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family" is an impressive work that shows the talent and ability of Hans the Younger Holbein. Its artistic style, composition, color and the story behind the painting make it a fascinating and valuable work of art.

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