Portraits of Willem Morel and his Wife

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€170,95 EUR


The painting "Portraits of Willem Moreel and His Wife" by the artist Hans Memling is a masterpiece of the Flemish Renaissance. This work, measuring 39 x 29.7 cm, is a representation of the Bruges merchant couple, Willem Moreel and his wife Barbara van Vlaenderberch.

Memling's artistic style is characterized by precision in the representation of details, as well as finesse in the handling of color and light. In this painting, one can appreciate the meticulousness with which the artist has represented the folds of the clothes, the details of the accessories and the expressions on the faces of those portrayed.

The composition of the work is very interesting, as the couple's portraits are framed by an open window that shows a Bruges cityscape in the background. This visual resource gives depth to the work and creates an interesting contrast between the daily life of those portrayed and the grandeur of the city.

Color is also a prominent aspect of this work. Memling uses a palette of soft and delicate colors, which give the work an air of serenity and elegance. The gold and reddish tones of Willem Moreel's clothing contrast with the blue and green tones of his wife's clothing, creating an interesting visual harmony.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed to have been commissioned by Willem Moreel as a gift to his wife. The work was in the possession of the Moreel family for several centuries, until it was acquired by the Museo del Prado in Madrid in the 19th century.

As for little-known aspects, it is said that the work was damaged during World War II, when a bombardment in Madrid caused damage to the frame of the painting. However, thanks to the rapid intervention of the restorers, the work could be restored and today it is in an excellent state of conservation.

In short, "Portraits of Willem Moreel and His Wife" is a Flemish Renaissance masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind its creation. It is a work that continues to fascinate art lovers and is a testament to Hans Memling's skill and mastery as an artist.

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