Natural Still Life with Tall Beer Glass

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price€170,95 EUR


Still-Life with Tall Beer Glass is a painting created by the Dutch artist Jan Jansz Van De Velde in the 17th century. This masterpiece of the still life genre stands out for its detailed and realistic artistic style, which characterizes the Baroque period in the Netherlands.

The composition of the painting is remarkably balanced and harmonious. In the center of the work is a tall glass of beer, which acts as the focal point. Around it, various objects are carefully arranged, such as a ceramic jug, a glass of wine, a sea shell and a sprig of grapes. These elements are distributed symmetrically, creating a sense of order and stability.

The coloring of the painting is rich and vibrant, with a palette dominated by earthy and warm tones. The intense colors of the fruits and flowers contrast with the darker, more neutral tones of the ceramic objects and the background. This color combination creates a sense of life and vitality in the work.

The history of painting is fascinating. Jan Jansz Van De Velde was a leading still life painter of his day, and this particular work is considered one of his most outstanding creations. Through his meticulous technique and attention to detail, Van De Velde manages to capture the beauty and fragility of the objects depicted.

Although the main focus of the work is the glass of beer, there are lesser-known aspects that deserve to be highlighted. For example, the seashell in the lower right corner symbolizes the connection between the underworld and the sea, evoking the idea of ​​the transience of life. Furthermore, the presence of the grapes and the ceramic jug suggests abundance and celebration.

The original size of the painting, 64 x 59 cm, is relatively small compared to other works of the time. However, this does not diminish its visual impact and its ability to convey beauty and meaning through the representation of everyday objects.

In summary, Jan Jansz Van De Velde's Still-Life with Tall Beer Glass is a captivating painting that combines a detailed, realistic art style with balanced composition and vibrant colouring. Through its representation of everyday objects, the work invites the viewer to reflect on the transience of life and the beauty found in simple things.

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