man of pain

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€162,95 EUR


The painting "Man of Sorrow" by the Italian artist Pietro Lorenzetti is a masterpiece of the late Gothic style. The composition of the painting is impressive, with Christ in the center of the image, surrounded by secondary characters who accompany him in his pain and suffering.

The color used in the painting is dark and somber, reflecting the theme of the work. The Christ is depicted with a great amount of detail and realism, which makes his pain and suffering even more palpable.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was created in the 14th century and is believed to have been part of an altarpiece in the church of San Francesco in Siena. The painting was restored in the 19th century and is currently in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

A little known aspect of the painting is that it is believed to have been influenced by the work of Giotto, another famous Italian artist of the time. It is also said that the painting was created as a commission for the family of a local nobleman.

In general, the painting "Man of Sorrow" is an impressive work that shows the artist's ability to create a touching and emotional image. Its late Gothic style and detailed composition make this painting an exceptional work of art.

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