La Polonaise (A Polish Beauty)

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€161,95 EUR


La Polonaise (A Polish Beauty) is a masterpiece by the French artist Jean-Baptiste Greuze that was painted in 1762. This painting is one of the most prominent of the Rococo style, which is characterized by elegance, delicacy and sensuality.

The composition of the painting is impressive as it shows a Polish woman in a long elegant dress, holding a fan in her right hand. The woman is standing in a garden, surrounded by trees and flowers, which creates a romantic and calm atmosphere.

The color of the paint is another of its highlights. Greuze used soft, pastel tones to create a feeling of serenity and sweetness. The woman's dress is pale pink, which contrasts with the dark green of the garden, creating a stunning visual effect.

The story behind La Polonaise is also interesting. The woman portrayed in the painting is believed to be the wife of the Polish ambassador in Paris, and Greuze painted her as a gift to the Polish king. The work was highly acclaimed by the public and became one of Greuze's most famous.

A little known aspect of La Polonaise is that Greuze used a very innovative technique in its creation. Instead of painting the work directly on the canvas, he first drew the image on a piece of paper and then transferred it to the canvas. This allowed him to adjust composition and detail before he started painting.

In summary, La Polonaise (A Polish Beauty) is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, its composition, its color and its history. It is one of the most outstanding works of the Rococo and one of the most famous of Jean-Baptiste Greuze.

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