Lady with a White Umbrella

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€151,95 EUR


The painting Lady with a White Parasol by Nadežda Petrović is a masterpiece of Serbian art, notable for its artistic style and composition. This painting shows a woman with a white parasol, walking in a field of tall grass, with a bright blue sky in the background.

Petrović's artistic style is impressionist, which means he uses loose, fast brushstrokes to create a sense of movement and light. This can be seen in the way the grass moves in the breeze and the way the sun shines on the woman's hair.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, since the woman is in the center of the image, but there is a lot of space around her. This creates a feeling of freedom and that the woman is part of the landscape, rather than the main focus of the image.

Color is another important aspect of this artwork. The green and yellow tones of the grass contrast with the blue of the sky and the white of the parasol, creating a feeling of harmony and balance.

The history of this painting is fascinating, as it was created in 1910, during a time of great change in Serbia. Petrović was one of the first women artists in Serbia to receive a formal art education, and her work was highly influential on the art scene at the time.

Also, there is a little-known aspect of this painting that makes it even more interesting. Petrović created an earlier version of the same image, in which the woman wore a black dress instead of a white one. This version was destroyed during World War I, making the version with the white dress even more valuable.

In summary, the painting Lady with a White Parasol by Nadežda Petrović is an impressive work of art, distinguished by its artistic style, composition, color and history. It is a masterpiece of Serbian art and a display of the talent and creativity of one of the most influential artists of her time.

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