Convolvulus, Lupins, Speedwell and Fuschia In A Vase

size(cm): 50x45
Sale price€183,95 EUR


The painting "Convolvulus, Lupins, Speedwell and Fuschia In A Vase" by Johan Laurentz Jensen is a masterpiece of 19th century botanical art. This painting is a sample of the artistic style of the time, which was characterized by precision and realism in the representation of nature.

The painting's composition is stunning, featuring a white porcelain vase holding an array of vibrantly colored flowers. The arrangement of the flowers is harmonious and balanced, creating a sense of tranquility and serenity.

Color is one of the highlights of this painting. The bright, saturated tones of the flowers contrast against the dark background, creating a stunning visual effect. Jensen's technique for creating textures and shading is exceptional, making the flowers appear almost lifelike.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was created at a time when botanical art was booming. Jensen was one of the foremost artists of his time and his work was highly valued by art collectors and nature lovers.

Furthermore, there are little-known aspects of this painting that make it even more fascinating. For example, Jensen is said to have used fresh flowers to create this work, making it even more realistic. The porcelain vase featured in the painting is also believed to have been made by the famous Danish porcelain factory, Royal Copenhagen.

In conclusion, "Convolvulus, Lupins, Speedwell and Fuschia In A Vase" is an impressive work of art that combines precision and realism with the beauty and harmony of nature. This painting is a display of the talent and skill of Johan Laurentz Jensen, and is a jewel of 19th century botanical art.

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