Still Life with Mackerels, Lemons and Tomatoes

size(cm): 50x75
Sale price€238,95 EUR


The painting "Still-Life with Mackerels, Lemons and Tomatoes" by Vincent Van Gogh is a masterpiece of modern art that stands out for its unique artistic style and detailed composition. This work was painted in 1886, during the period when Van Gogh was living in Paris and experimenting with different techniques and artistic styles.

Van Gogh's artistic style in this work is Impressionist, which means that he uses loose, vibrant brushstrokes to create a sense of movement and life in the painting. This technique can be clearly seen in the way the nuances of the mackerels, the textures of the lemon leaves and the smoothness of the tomatoes are blended in the work.

The composition of the painting is equally impressive, with the elements arranged in a balanced and harmonious manner. The mackerels are placed in the center of the painting, flanked by lemons and tomatoes on either side. The bright and vibrant colors of the elements reinforce the feeling of vitality and movement in the work.

Although the painting is primarily a still life, Van Gogh brings it to life through his impressionist technique. The history of the painting is interesting because Van Gogh is known to have painted it in his studio in Paris while he was learning from other impressionist artists. Furthermore, the work was first sold in 1926, more than 40 years after Van Gogh painted it.

Lastly, a little known aspect of the painting is that Van Gogh painted it at a time when he was struggling with mental health issues. Despite this, the work is a showcase of his artistic skill and talent, and remains one of his most iconic and popular works to this day.

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