Portrait of Abraham Van Der Doort

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€161,95 EUR


The Portrait of Abraham van der Doort painting, created by English artist William Dobson in the 17th century, is a work of art noted for its baroque artistic style and detailed, realistic composition. In the work, you can see the figure of Abraham van der Doort, an art collector and librarian of the English court, who poses with a serious and concentrated expression.

The artist uses a loose, vibrant brushwork technique that gives the work a sense of movement and life. Furthermore, the use of shadows and lights in the painting creates an effect of depth and three-dimensionality, making van der Doort's figure appear to be stepping out of the painting.

Compositionally, Dobson uses a balanced, symmetrical arrangement, with van der Doort at the center of the painting and surrounded by objets d'art and old books. This arrangement reflects van der Doort's passion and interest in culture and knowledge, and shows his social status as a collector and court librarian.

As for color, Dobson uses a palette of dark and earthy tones, with touches of red and gold that highlight the details of the clothing and objects in the painting. This choice of colors gives the work a rich and elegant feel, and reflects van der Doort's refined taste in art and culture.

The history of the painting is also interesting, as it was created during a period of great political turmoil in England, during the English Civil War. Dobson, who was a court artist and supporter of the monarchy, had to adapt to the political and social changes of the time, which is reflected in his work.

Finally, a little-known aspect of the painting is that it was stolen in 1990 and later recovered at auction in New York in 2014, after having been sold several times over the years. This fact gives the work even greater historical and cultural value, and demonstrates its importance as a highly valued work of art.

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