Young Peasant Woman with a Hat

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€152,95 EUR


The painting Young Peasant Girl Wearing a Hat by Camille Pissarro is a work that stands out for its impressionist artistic style, which is characterized by the use of loose brushstrokes and the capture of light and color in the present moment. In this work, Pissarro manages to capture the beauty of a young peasant girl who poses with a straw hat on her head.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, since the young woman is in the center of the work and her gaze is directed towards the viewer, creating an emotional connection between the model and the observer. In addition, the background of the work is made up of a rural landscape, which gives the painting a bucolic and country atmosphere.

The use of color in Young Peasant Girl Wearing a Hat is striking, as Pissarro uses a palette of bright, saturated colors that reflect sunlight off the peasant girl's skin and clothing. Green and yellow tones predominate in the work, which gives it a fresh and natural air.

The history of the painting is little known, but it is known that it was done in 1881 and is now part of the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. This work is an example of Pissarro's commitment to the representation of rural life and the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, Young Peasant Girl Wearing a Hat by Camille Pissarro is an impressionist work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind it. This painting is an example of the artist's ability to capture the beauty of rural life and convey it to the viewer.

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