Think to the Market

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€162,95 EUR


The painting Setting off to Market by artist Troyon Constante is a large-scale work measuring 261 x 211 cm, giving it an impressive visual impact. It was created in the 19th century and belongs to the artistic current of realism, characterized by its faithful representation of reality.

In terms of artistic style, Troyon Constante stands out for his ability to capture rural life and country landscapes. In Setting off to Market, the artist shows us a lively and bustling scene, in which a group of peasants prepare to leave for the market. The composition of the work is very dynamic, with a diagonal layout that guides our gaze throughout the painting.

Color plays a fundamental role in this work, as Troyon Constante uses a rich and vibrant palette to represent the landscape and the characters. Warm and earthy tones predominate in the scene, evoking the rural and country atmosphere. In addition, the artist uses loose, gestural brushstrokes, giving the painting a sense of movement and life.

The story of the Setting off to Market painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by the French government to decorate the Élysée Palace, the official residence of the President of the French Republic. This Troyon Constante masterpiece was one of the highlights of the annual Paris Salon exhibition in 1849, earning it recognition and prestige.

In addition to its public recognition, Setting off to Market also contains little-known aspects. For example, Troyon Constante is said to have been inspired by his own experiences in the field to create this painting. The artist used to spend long periods of time in the countryside, observing and drawing the peasants in their daily lives. This personal connection to the subject is reflected in the authenticity and realism of the work.

In summary, Troyon Constante's painting Setting off to Market is an impressive work that stands out for its realistic artistic style, its dynamic composition, its use of color and its fascinating history. Through this work, the artist transports us to rural life and invites us to reflect on the importance of agriculture and work in the fields.

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