The Estridge off Dover

size(cm): 50x80
Sale price€247,95 EUR


The painting "The Estridge off Dover" by artist Salmon De Robert is an impressive work that captures the essence of the maritime landscape and life at sea. The work is painted in a realistic and detailed style that shows the artist's ability to capture the light and texture of the waves and sky.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as it shows a ship in the center of the image, surrounded by waves and seagulls. The ship is in a diagonal position, which creates a sense of movement and dynamism in the image. Furthermore, the position of the ship in relation to the horizon and the sky creates a sense of depth and perspective in the painting.

Color is also a prominent aspect of the work. The color palette is mainly blue and gray, reflecting the maritime atmosphere and cloudy weather. However, the artist also uses warm tones such as yellow and orange to bring out the sunlight on the waves and in the sky.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. The work was created in the 19th century, during the Victorian era, when maritime trade was an important part of the British economy. The painting shows a sailing ship, which was outdated technology at the time, suggesting that the work was created as a kind of homage to British maritime tradition.

As for the little-known aspects of the painting, it is known that Salmon De Robert was a little-known artist in his day, but his work has been rediscovered and appreciated by modern art critics. Furthermore, the painting is believed to have been commissioned by a wealthy Dover merchant, suggesting that the work had sentimental and personal value to its owner.

In short, "The Estridge off Dover" is an impressive work that combines technical skill, interesting composition, evocative color, and a fascinating story. This painting is a leading example of 19th century maritime art and remains a valued and appreciated work of art today.

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