The Virgin in La Goria Flanked by Saint John the Baptist and Stephen

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€152,95 EUR


The Virgin in Glory Flanked by Sts John the Baptist and Stephen painting by artist Michelangelo Anselmi is an impressive work that stands out for its unique artistic style and carefully crafted composition. The work measures 169 x 123 cm and was painted in the 17th century.

Anselmi's artistic style is a combination of Renaissance and Baroque elements, which is reflected in the technique used in the painting. The figure of the Virgin Mary, for example, is painted with great attention to detail and a great skill in creating a sense of depth and volume. Saints John the Baptist and Stephen, on the other hand, are represented with a force and energy that suggest the influence of the Baroque.

The composition of the work is equally impressive. The Virgin Mary is situated in the center of the painting, flanked by Saints John the Baptist and Stephen. The figure of the Virgin is the largest and most dominant, suggesting its importance in the work. The saints, on the other hand, are depicted in energetic and dynamic poses that suggest their role as protectors and spiritual guides.

The use of color in the painting is another interesting aspect. Anselmi uses a rich and vibrant color palette that helps create a feeling of vitality and energy. The gold and silver tones used in the painting also suggest the heavenly theme of the work.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. The work was commissioned by the Borghese family in the 17th century and is currently in the Galleria Borghese in Rome. The painting was restored in 2016, allowing experts to discover hidden details in the work that had been obscured by time.

In summary, the painting Virgin in Glory Flanked by Sts John the Baptist and Stephen by Michelangelo Anselmi is an impressive work that stands out for its unique artistic style, carefully crafted composition, and use of vibrant color. The story behind the painting is also fascinating, making it a truly interesting and significant piece of art.

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