Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€162,95 EUR


The painting St Francis Receiving the Stigmata by El Greco is a masterpiece of the Spanish Renaissance that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This painting depicts Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the sacred wounds, also known as the stigmata, which are Christ's wounds on his hands, feet, and side.

El Greco's artistic style is easily recognizable in this work, with his characteristic use of light and shadow to create a dramatic and emotional atmosphere. The figure of Saint Francis stands out in the center of the composition, with his body arched and his head tilted towards the sky in an expression of religious ecstasy. The figure of Christ, which appears at the top of the painting, is a diffuse and mystical image that seems to float in the air.

The use of color in this painting is impressive, with a rich and vibrant palette that includes shades of red, gold, green, and blue. El Greco uses color to create a dramatic contrast between the figure of Saint Francis and the darkness of the background, further emphasizing the importance of the sacred moment being depicted.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by the Spanish nobleman Jerónimo de Ceballos in the 16th century. The painting remained in private hands for many years before being acquired by the Museo del Prado in Madrid, where it is currently on display.

A little-known aspect of this painting is that El Greco originally created it as part of a set of four paintings depicting key moments in the life of Saint Francis of Assisi. However, the other three paintings have been lost over time, making this work even more valuable and important.

In summary, El Greco's painting St Francis Receiving the Stigmata is a masterpiece of the Spanish Renaissance that stands out for its artistic style, composition, use of color, and the historical and religious importance it represents. It is a work that continues to captivate art lovers around the world and is considered one of El Greco's best paintings.

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