Portrait of a Woman

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€161,95 EUR


The painting "Portrait of a Woman" by artist Jens Jørgensen Juel is an 18th-century masterpiece that stands out for its elegance and sophistication. Juel's artistic style is characterized by precision in the representation of details, subtlety in the application of light and shadow, and delicacy in the choice of colors.

The composition of the painting is simple but effective, with the woman portrayed in the center of the image and a neutral background that highlights her beauty. The model is depicted with a serene expression and gaze directly at the viewer, creating a sense of intimacy and emotional connection.

The color used by Juel is soft and harmonious, with pastel tones that reflect the elegance and sophistication of the time. The use of light and shadow is particularly effective, creating a sense of depth and realism in the painting.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by the Danish royal family as part of a series of portraits of the country's nobility. The woman portrayed is unknown, but it is believed that she belonged to a noble family and was an important figure in the society of the time.

Little-known aspects of the painting include the fact that it was stolen twice during World War II, but was eventually recovered and returned to its place in the National Gallery of Denmark. It is also known that the model was portrayed on several occasions by other artists of the time, suggesting that she was an important and recognized figure in Danish society.

In summary, "Portrait of a Woman" is an impressive painting that stands out for its elegance, sophistication and realism. Juel's artistic style, composition, color, and history of the painting make it a unique and fascinating work of art that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

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