Famous People: Queen Tomiris

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price€142,95 EUR


The painting "Famous Persons: Queen Tomyris" by Italian artist Andrea Del Castagno is a Renaissance masterpiece noted for its artistic style and masterful composition. The work measures 245 x 155 cm and was painted in oil on canvas in the 15th century.

The composition of the painting is impressive. Queen Tomyris, a historical figure from ancient Persia, is depicted in the center of the work with a determined and courageous attitude. Around him, you can see a series of secondary characters that complete the scene, each with an expression and a gesture that reflects his role in the story.

The coloring of the painting is another of its most outstanding aspects. Del Castagno uses a palette of bright and contrasting colors, which accentuate the strength and determination of Queen Tomyris. The warm, bright colors of her dress and crown contrast with the darker, muted tones of the characters around her, creating a sense of depth and movement in the work.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Queen Tomyris is known for having defeated King Cyrus II of Persia in an epic battle in the 6th century BC. Del Castagno's work depicts this historic moment, in which Queen Tomyris orders the king's beheading in revenge for the death of your son.

In addition, there are little-known aspects of the work. It is believed to have been commissioned by the Medici family in Florence, and to have been part of a series of paintings depicting famous historical figures. It is also known that the painting was restored several times over the centuries, and that it is currently in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, where it remains one of the most admired and studied works of the Italian Renaissance.

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