Bread Dancing with the Child

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price€209,95 EUR


The painting "Pan Dancing with Children" by Arnold Böcklin is a masterpiece of symbolism and late romanticism. The image shows Pan, the Greek god of nature, dancing with a group of children in a magical forest. The composition is dynamic and full of movement, with children jumping and spinning around the god of nature.

Böcklin's artistic style is unique and highly recognizable. His works often have a mysterious and dreamlike atmosphere, with a rich and vibrant color palette. In "Pan Dancing with Children", green and gold tones dominate the scene, creating a feeling of warmth and vitality.

The story behind the painting is interesting. Böcklin created it in 1899, shortly before his death, and it is said to have been inspired by a vision he had while walking through the woods. The image is a celebration of nature and life, and shows the connection between humans and the natural world.

Plus, there are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more fascinating. For example, Böcklin is said to have included his own image in the figure of Pan, adding an autobiographical dimension to the work. The children featured in the painting are also believed to be the artist's children.

In short, "Pan Dancing with Children" is an impressive work of art that combines symbolism, romanticism and nature into one vibrant and lively image. The composition, color, and story behind the painting make it unique and fascinating, making it one of Arnold Böcklin's most outstanding works.

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