Portrait of The Children of John Angerstein

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€172,95 EUR


Portrait of the Children of John Angerstein is a masterpiece of the renowned artist Sir Thomas Lawrence, which was painted in 1824. The painting depicts three children of John Angerstein, who was a wealthy merchant and art collector of the time. The painting is a perfect example of the Romanticism movement, which was popular during the 19th century.

The composition of the painting is captivating, with the three children positioned in a triangular formation, creating a sense of balance and harmony. The eldest child, a young girl, is seated on a chair, while the two younger boys are standing beside her. The artist has captured the innocence and playfulness of the children through their expressions and body language.

The use of color in the painting is also noteworthy. The artist has used warm, vibrant colors to create a cheerful and lively atmosphere. The children's clothing is adorned with intricate details, and the artist has paid attention to even the smallest of details, such as the folds in their clothes.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. John Angerstein commissioned the painting as a gift for his wife, who had recently passed away. The painting remained in the Angerstein family until the early 20th century when it was sold to a private collector. In 1961, the painting was acquired by the National Gallery in London, where it remains on display today.

One interesting aspect of the painting is the use of symbolism. The young girl is holding a bird, which symbolizes freedom and innocence. The bird is also a symbol of the soul, which is often associated with children in Romanticism art.

In conclusion, Portrait of the Children of John Angerstein is a stunning example of Sir Thomas Lawrence's artistic talent. The painting's composition, use of color, and attention to detail make it a masterpiece of the Romanticism movement. The history and symbolism of the painting add to its intrigue, making it a must-see for art enthusiasts.

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