Huntsman Feeding His Dogs

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price€226,95 EUR


The painting Huntsman Feeding His Dogs by Cornelis Saftleven is a stunning work of art that captures the essence of hunting and country life in the 17th century. The work shows a hunter feeding his dogs after a long day of hunting, while a rural landscape can be seen in the background.

As for the artistic style, Saftleven uses a realistic painting technique that is characterized by its precision and detail. The artist uses a warm, earthy color palette to render the scene, giving it an authentic and natural look.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect of the work. Saftleven uses a classical composition technique that is based on the rule of thirds. The figure of the hunter is in the right third of the painting, while the dogs and the landscape occupy the left third and the lower third.

Also, the story behind the painting is fascinating. The work is believed to have been commissioned by a Dutch nobleman who was a passionate hunter. The painting was designed to decorate his country house and to show his love of hunting and country life.

Finally, there is a little-known aspect of the painting that is interesting to mention. The work was originally painted in a larger format, but was cut down at some point in its history. The painting currently measures 39 x 56 cm, but its original size is believed to have been much larger.

In short, the painting Huntsman Feeding His Dogs by Cornelis Saftleven is a stunning work of art that captures the essence of hunting and country life in the 17th century. Its realistic artistic style, its classical composition and its fascinating history make this work a unique and valuable piece of Dutch artistic heritage.

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